Barcelona Beer - Locals' Choice 2016

All right, so here we are again. Today I bring you the second post on this yearly series I started just last year, in order to make good recommendations to people living / coming to Barcelona with beer thirst. Since I have never liked to give my personal tastes too much importance when writing (i.e. no rating, no ranking) I came up with the idea to make a selection of good local beer, according to people I trust. Hence, the Barcelona Beer Locals' Choice -you can read more about how I organise the whole thing in the tab 'What to drink in Barcelona', from the menu above-.

"BBLC 2016 comprises a list of 21 local beers, carefully selected by trusted local drinkers".

So if you're looking for beer recommendations in Barcelona you're in the right place. Once again, in early January I took time to write an email to with lots of explanations and a quick, direct question to answer:

"¿Could you please list two beers that you drank in 2015 and that you'd recommend without hesitation?"

The recipients of my email, the people who answered to this question, are local drinkers: people who spend quite a lot of time and money with beer. My only determinants were that the selected beers should be local, with no vintages accepted. They're not supposed to be the best; just good local beer.

After gathering their thoughts, the list comprises 21 different local beers this year. All of them are listed with their name, brewer, style, alcohol by volume and a short comment. Styles are the ones stated by the brewers themselves -I also frown at styles, but I understand that these can somehow tell what one can expect of a single beer, when no complete technical information is available-. The short comments are written by me, to provide a little extra information or background to each beer.

Aker by Naparbier

Style: IPA.
ABV: 6.7%.

A fruity, intense American-style IPA with a nice malty backbone by these Navarrese genuises.

American Red IPA by Piris

Style: IPA.
ABV: 7.5%

Fresh, citrusy and piney, with a great toffee-like and nutty aftertaste. Balanced and very tasty.

¡Ay, Carmela! by La Pirata

Style: Double IPA.
ABV: 9.3%

Strong, resiny and fruity brew. A great addition to La Pirata range of beers after setting up their own brewery.

Blackblock by La Pirata

Style: Imperial Stout.
ABV: 11.2%

The beer that gave La Pirata the recognition they deserve. Intense, liquory and deliciously balanced.

Hop Collection Citra by Espiga

Style: American Pale Ale.
ABV: 5,5%

From the Hop Collection series, this fresh, easy APA squeezes Citra to show its full character.

Claudia by Blacklab Brewhouse

Style: IPA.
ABV: 7.0%

Clearly one of 2015 hits, to be found year-round at Blacklab, a newly installed brewpub.

Estival by Cervesa del Montseny

Style: Session IPA.
ABV: 3.6%

Refreshing and light, with Citra and Mosaic hops, it makes a fantastic companion for summertime.

ICA Galaxy Farm by Instituto de la Cerveza Artesana

Style: Hoppy Saison.
ABV: 7.5%

Single hopped with Galaxy, this supremely tasty Farmhouse Ale goes down unbelievably easy.

Imperial Stout by Ratpenat

Style: Imperial Stout.
ABV: 11.3%

Ratpenat is deservedly back in the locals' choice with their coffee forward brand new Imperial Stout.

In green we trust by Garage Beer Co

Style: Session IPA.
ABV: 4.7%

Another new brewpub hits the list, thanks to this moreish IPA in collaboration with Other Half Brewing.

Jack the RIPA by Guineu

Style: American IPA.
ABV: 7.2%

Soft, tasty and fresh. Easy one, even with its 7.2% ABV. One of the best beers released by Guineu. 

Jalapeño Webon by Gatgraz

Style: Smoked Ale.
ABV: 6.5%

A smoked beer with fresh jalapeño peppers that give a nice, spicy aftertaste. Best paired with meat.

Mala Vida by Cervesa del Montseny

Style: Imperial Stout.
ABV: 11.0%.

A great 2015 release, along with its other special versions: Chili, Brandy and Bourbon aged.

Medical Stout by La Calavera

Style: Imperial Stout.
ABV: 8.5%

Harmonious, pleasant Imperial Stout, famous beyond its funny pharmacy 20cl bottle.

Pura Pale by Ales Agullons

Style: Pale Ale.
ABV: 5.0%

A classic favourite of local drinkers. Delicate, subtle Pale Ale to drink one pint after another.

Setembre by Ales Agullons

Style: Pale Ale + Lambic -blend-.
ABV: 5.5%

Blend between Pura Pale and Cantillon young lambic. A locals' favourite, with special editions including muscat grapes or strawberries.

Taronja Horyezon by Edge Brewing

Style: Rye IPA.
ABV: 7.0%

Lovely local IPA with Valencia oranges, rye and locally-harvested honey. In collaboration with Due South Brewing. 

Vanilla Black Velvet by Guiney & La Quince

Style: Russian Imperial Stout.
ABV: 9.5%

We can begin to call it a classic. Third edition of this tasty Imperial Stout with vanilla. 

Viakrucis by La Pirata

Style: Summer Ale.
ABV: 6.0%

It hit the list last year, and here it is again. Even better than it was before. Hopheads' choice.

ViHop 1 any IPA by Espiga

Style: American IPA.
ABV: 6.9%

Brewed for the first birthday of local beer distributor ViHop. With Austrian white wine and passion fruit. 

Vinya Hop by Marina

Style: Fruit Ale.
ABV: 6.0%

A delicious hoppy seasonal release with local Xarel·lo grapes must. Excellent to drink with rice or fish.


I hope you enjoyed the selection and that you get to drink some of these great brews someday. But even if you can't find the exact listed beers, take for granted that the above-mentioned are a fine selection of our local brewers. So take notes for your next trip! And if you're still unsure, visit last year's selection: you can still come across most of those beers for sure.

In any case, I would as always particularly encourage everyone to discover our local scene on his own, with no rush. There are many interesting beers and brewers apart from the ones in this Locals' Choice: take your time, grab a sit in any of the beer bars that you can easily find in Barcelona and enjoy their beer offerings.

Salut i birra!


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