
Showing posts from 2020


It feels good to hit the 'publish' button again after an uneventful period. Despite a remarkably active start this year, I suppose that I was finally caught up in the depression and standstill inherent in the sector given the current social and economic situation, as well as the burden associated with my own work and family commitments, which have also undergone notable changes in this fateful year 2020. The thing is that despite the fact that my main job is pure dynamism and adaptation to constant change, I have a high sensitivity to routine changes, the effects of which I do not transfer to my professional field, but which do affect me personally in the organisation of my free time. In this sense, the huge change that COVID-19 has meant has been painful for me to process. But by resorting to self-observation I have finally been able to unblock body and mind to be able to concentrate on carrying out certain pending projects, such as the book that I am working on, and that I h

Back of the Closet - May 2020, #BotCW summary

So here's the summary post of the Back of the Closet Weekend - BotCW -, which as you know from the previous entries is a collective virtual event consisting of taking out beers that, for one reason or another, be it accidental or voluntary, have been waiting for their moment in the depths of our closets or cellars for some time. After its celebration, I would like to highlight the satisfaction for the good reception that the event has had, with a very remarkable number of participants and beers. Although the most positive thing, in my opinion, is the generation of content and reflections around beer that it has triggered, sharing impressions and experiences, recalling past times when the local community online was a powerful source of disclosure, constructive discussion and thought leadership. Many of us miss it. It is clear that this is a merely periodical amusement, although in the sense of the above there are reasons in my opinion to propose a new call within a few months . But

Back of the Closet - May 2020, my #BotCW

In line with what was commented in the previous post , the #BotCW is a collective virtual event consisting of taking out beers that, for one reason or another, be it accidental or voluntary, have been waiting for their moment in the depths of our closets or cellars for some time. Happy to have recovered this tradition born in the blogosphere, but with an increasing weight in social networks, last Friday I set out to review my inventory of aged beers to choose several candidates and put them in the fridge. Of those chosen, I finally took four: all of them national, being my choice absolutely deliberate so as to highlight our breweries during these difficult times. In all cases, the aging was voluntary and not by mistake. Let's go see them. 'Satisfaction with the results of this prolonged aging, with an average of 76 months, and for the great reception of the event'

Back of the Closet - May 2020, #BotCW confinement edition

In the current situation of confinement, a social recovery of old habits has been observed in different areas: from cooking certain foods at home to the production of all kinds of handicrafts or DIY jobs, as well as a reinforced feeling of community, which would be great if we managed to extend beyond this period of seclusion. Along these same lines, I have being following with interest a timid but jolly resurgence of beer blogging , with the comeback of presumably deceased blogs, or a higher frequency of publication in some others. Nobody asked for it - or maybe they did -, but following this trend of recovering customs and traditions, I am preparing to retrieve a small institution from the Spanish beer blogosphere of yesteryear. So let us give way to the confinement edition of the Back of the Closet Weekend , the BotCW  - originally FFdA, for its acronym in Spanish -.

At Home #3 - America and the meaning of local

At the end of 2013, during the celebration of Fes-t'hi  beer festival in Vilanova i la Geltrú, two Americans -Scott and Alan- appeared all of a sudden announcing that they would open a brewery in the Poblenou neighborhood of Barcelona. With the fascination for North American beer in full rise, the popularity that Edge Brewing managed to achieve as a project was such that it succeed in being the best rated new brewery at the Ratebeer Best 2014 awards - which used to be quite relevant -. Their totally avant-garde approach, with American-style recipes, various limited editions and high-voltage collaborations marked the beginning of what we now think of as normal. 'Paradoxically, Edge became a very powerful ambassador of Catalan and Spanish beer'

At Home #2 - Seasonal beer

One of the brands you will easily find everytime in my fridge is Cervesa del Montseny , currently the oldest operating microbrewery in Catalonia*. If there is one thing I always highlight about them is the great adaptability they have shown , which has not only allowed them to survive these years in a highly dynamic scene with an initial approach that would not be valid today, but has allowed them to be among the most respected breweries thanks to the reliability of their products. Many of them aim for a certain wide reach of palates, but they also have a line of canned beers and collaborations with highly popular craft breweries to satisfy the most inquisitive consumers. ' Seasonal beers seem to have lost their appeal as a product with limited availability, due to the avalanche of weekly releases'

At Home #1 - On trends and styles

With the present post I start a series - At Home -, with no determined duration or periodicity, with the will to write a bit more during this period of confinement due to Covid-19, while sharing some reflections that come to mind when I drink certain beers . The intention is that it serves as a quick read, to stimulate ideas, without becoming a compilation of extensive tasting notes, or leading to long musings. And, of course, with the aim of encouraging local beer consumption in these difficult times for our breweries. Let's go. After confirming the confinement, quickly seeing the implications that it would have for the industry, one of the first things I did was ordering beer from La Pirata , one of the most strictly local breweries, being just a few kilometers from my home. No need to introduce these guys at this point, being one of the most popular breweries in the country, with wide and well-deserved recognition outside our borders. The unquestionable quality and soundn

Self-identity - Views on the outcome of the BBC 2020

The celebration of the Barcelona Beer Challenge - hereinafter BBC - awards ceremony , which until now had always been held during the weekend of the Barcelona Beer Festival, took place this past Wednesday and Thursday remotely, through YouTube Live, in response to the confinement limitations due to Covid-19. Beyond the impact of the BBC at an international level, the relevance of this event for our industry, at national level, is undeniable. That is why I wanted to take the opportunity to sleep very few hours last night and make some reflections on the results . Let's go there.

Positive thinking - The three beers you wish to drink

In these days of confinement I receive constant messages about how our life will be like after this situation . Leaving socio-economic and philosophical reflections aside, in terms of entertainment, some media have encouraged us to let our imagination loose and think, individually, what is the first thing we will do after spending a good number of weeks locked up at home. From throwing uncontrolled parties and drying up bars, to visiting friends and family, craving after kisses and hugs. There are answers for all tastes. I think as I write but, in line with my calm disposition, I believe that my first day after confinement will be just like any other day : I am going to do just what I have to do. An ordinary day, only considering the fact that after a long time there will be no limit to my mobility, which will give me more possibilities. I guess I'll just work, and if I have some spare time I will spend it walking in the mountains. I am pure fun.

Barcelona Beer Festival 2020 - A quick guide

After close to a whole year of work, we are in the final stretch to start the  Ninth Edition of the Barcelona Beer Festival . Below I set out to  summarise those key points  to take into account to enjoy the Festival in its fullness, whether this is the first or the ninth time you join this great celebration of beer as a drink and cultural element.

Through the rearview mirror - highlights of 2019

To start with some activity the year in which this blog will celebrate its tenth anniversary, I will proceed to briefly review some memorable beer moments of 2019 , inspired by this publication in Original Gravity that I could read on these days of winter vacations.