
Showing posts from January, 2016

Barcelona Beer - Locals' Choice 2016

All right, so here we are again. Today I bring you the second post on this yearly series I started just last year, in order to make  good recommendations  to people living / coming to Barcelona with beer thirst. Since I have never liked to give my personal tastes too much importance when writing (i.e. no rating, no ranking) I came up with the idea to make a selection of good local beer, according to people I trust. Hence, the  Barcelona Beer Locals' Choice  - you can read more about how I organise the whole thing in the tab 'What to drink in Barcelona', from the menu above -. "BBLC 2016 comprises a list of 21 local beers, carefully selected by trusted local drinkers".


Had I been asked about American beer 9 years ago, a few months before knowing that my first job would take me to live in Brussels, I would have likely said that beer in the United States had no interest at all, with as much audacity as ignorance allows. But just half a year later, I found out at Delirium Café that there were far more American beers than the ones I knew, after spechlessly skimming their 2,500 plus beer menu. The first ones I drank were Anchor Steam Beer and its sister Liberty on tap, during my Honeymoon, in a fantastic seafood restaurant in the piers area of San Francisco. I was greatly impressed, and thought I had tried such local, unusual beer and that I would seldom have the opportunity to try it again. Time gives one perspective, indeed.

Barcelona Beer Challenge 2016 - Stats

Two months ago I wrote about the 2016 edition of the Barcelona Beer Festival . Today we are exactly eight weeks before its celebration on the weekend of March 4th to 6th. Hence, you can expect that I will do some promoting here in the blog. I promise to make it interesting, though. It was in that same introductory entry in November that I talked about one of the main innovations for this year: Barcelona Beer Challenge (BBC) , a beer contest. Today there's just a week left before closing the registration period, and we are very pleased with a participation level that complies with our more optimistic expectations. There is a good representation of beers from different geographic points, as well as a wide range of brewing styles according to the Beer Judge Certification Program standards .