
Showing posts from 2022

Birraire Podcast - Round Table of the Barcelona Beer Festival 2022

Photo by Dani Ruiz (CerveTV) As a part of the X Barcelona Beer Festival , held on October 14, 15 and 16 at La Farga de l'Hospitalet, a new Round Table session was organised to continue with the time-honoured tradition of - almost - every edition of the festival. A very topical topic: wild fermentation . For this, the invited speakers were some of the bestexponents of our local scene: Montse Virgili and Carlos Rodríguez - Ales Agullons -, Guillem de Lorenzo - Santa Pau Ales -, Quiònia Pujol - Lo Vilot -, Marc Baulida - La Calavera -, Dani Ruiz - La Salvatge - and Aleix Puig - Màger -. For the understanding of all those present at the session, it was held in Spanish.

Innbrew, present and future

The first week of April had two dates circled with a red marker on the beer calendar, due to the celebration of the second edition of the trade fair Innbrew , and the first edition of a very promising event, Rustic & Wild. For today, let's focus on the former. In its second year, this B2B event had the challenge of consolidating itself as a recurring professional meetpoint, after a first edition that proved the potential for a fair of these characteristics, but that, in the midst of a pandemic, it became more of a reunion than a fully functional trade fair. In this sense, I summarise below a series of quick thoughts and reflections after following the event both remotely and in person:

Birraire's Golden Pints 2021

  In spite of my pessimism about the state of the local beer blogosphere , I still firmly believe in the role that blogs can play as a fundamental piece for the dissemination and quality discussion in an environment open to all audiences. To avoid settling into perpetual criticism and start leading by example, I hope to resume blog activity a bit this year, also as part of a return to good habits that I have definitely lost due to the pandemic and excess work, the combination of which has led me to a terribly monotonous kind-of-monastic life. To begin with, I would like to recover a decade-long initiative that started in the international blogosphere: the Golden Pints awards , which every blogger assigns to beers, establishments or projects that they feel deserve to be praised.