It is about the beer...

BBF has long gone by. And it is a month later that I am about to return to the normal state of things here on the blog. Year after year, depletion and accumulation of other tasks prevents this return to the regular publication of content to be fluid. Plus this year there have also been countless small and not-so-small parallel initiatives that have kept me quite busy, some of which I hope to announce soon. But beyond that, one of the most decisive factors each year is the emotional supersaturation.

"It fascinates me to meet passionate people whose motivation, above all, is their love for beer and its various expressions"

During the weekend of the Festival you meet back with lots of people -take Friday, for instance: this year I realised that, regardless of where I looked toward, I personally knew someone-. People who, at different levels, are important to you. But you also have the opportunity to meet other new people, some of which manage to leave a mark upon you during the brief exchange of views that may occur in the course of a few minutes.

To me, what is more fascinating is to meet passionate people whose motivation, above all, is their love for beer and its various expressions, both gastronomic and social. People you can spot for their humble manner and their eagerness to share and contribute to the collective, as well as their willingness to help make others happy.

The BBF remains committed and promoting that common feeling with which it all started, and that should remain the main asset of our beer scene. Smiles, enthusiasm, camaraderie. We cannot forget the best teachings we have received.

The content of our glass is important; no doubt about that. But assuming that objectivity is utopian, it is worth assessing the individual and collective effort that has brought us to where we find us right now. And that will no doubt take us much further.

Beer is about feelings; it goes beyond cold tasting notes. Artisan, craft, traditional ... let us bury the labels: in the end, everything is beer. But still, beyond the importance of a quality product, it is relevant to learn to appreciate those who give their two cents with what they know. And to give our two cents, too, along with them.

As long as we are fuelled by passion, we are unstoppable.

It is about the people; it is about the beer.

Salut i birra!

In case you want more...

Picture Gallery of the Barcelona Beer Festival 2016.


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