
Showing posts from May, 2015

Wroclaw - The Beers (I)

Let's continue with the series of posts about my trip to Wroclaw and its great beer festival. As I mentioned on the post I announced my assistance to the Wroclawski Festiwal Dobrego Piwa  (WFDP), the organisation sent me a package with three beer bottles, along with other interesting items. I received it two days before the trip, so I couldn't taste anything beforehand to tease my palate. But no problem, I did it the other way around: once I got the picture of the state of brewing in Poland I calmly sat with these beauties to reflect on them with way more context. So a couple of weeks after my experience in the Slavic country I grabbed one of the glasses gifted by Doctor Brew guys during the WFDP and proceeded to taste those three beers, which were conveniently presented on 50cl. bottles. That's not common down here -we mostly get 33cl. bottles-, and it is something that I would really appreciate to see more often, as it responds better to my consumption habits.

Wroclaw - The Festival

Taking advantage of a long weekend provided by the celebration of the International Workers Day, I used the invitation received by the organisation of the Wroclawski Festiwal Dobrego Piwa  (WFDP)  to assist the sixth edition of this popular Polish beer festival. It would give me the great opportunity to have a first-hand experience with the new beer scene in Poland: so young, so bright. I had read few things about their brewing industry, but I was forewarned of what I'd find during my trip. So as I was driving early to the airport on April 30th I knew I was about to fly to a city that would amaze me as a beer aficionado . Besides, it was another nice chance for me to learn new things about life from the locals and their culture. Sounded like a plan.

The Session #99: Localising Mild

After two sessions without making my contribution, I come back from other beer duties to write about the present topic for the Beer Blogging Friday of May: Localising Mild. This time is Alistair Reece (from Fuggled) that suggests fellow sessioners to ponder on the features of Mild Ales across the globe. To write this post I thought I'd check my beer database to make sure I didn't forget to mention any locally brewed Mild Ale, but it would have been hard to miss any of them: only four beers labelled as Mild have been brewed at this part of the world, all of them by Catalan brewers.