Craft and local - with Jordi Sánchez Puig of Lupulina

' I have intolerance to slackers. And to fascists '. With this forcefulness, Eusebi Sánchez replies to me after getting to know my own - food - intolerances. At 72, and after a lifetime of high physically demanding work, he is the most intense and tireless worker in Lupulina, a small family business in Cassà de la Selva dedicated to the cultivation of hops, founded by his son Jordi in 2013. Graduate biologist, and 30 years younger than his father, in the midst of the past economic downturn he wonders why the raw materials used by local craft breweries, especially hops, come from foreign places. In light of that he decides to start a project to supply regular native products at reasonable costs, while promoting the local economy. Six years later, he dedicates all of his working time to his company, getting very few hours of sleep in summer. Of course, Eusebi cannot reproach him for anything. ‘The thing that makes a craft brewery different is its attitude, but also...