6. Wroclawski Festiwal Dobrego Piwa

The day's arrived, and early today I fly to Wroclaw (Poland) to attend one of the most massive beer festivals in Europe: the Wroclawski Festiwal Dobrego Piwa , or Wroclaw Good Beer Festival. It's a great oportunity to learn about a beer scene that you seldom hear or read something about, not only about their beers but also about the general development of the industry. As for beers, I've known Zywiec (specially their Porter) for quite a long time. Lately, some new Polish brews have appeared in our shops and bars, as well as on tap during the last edition of the Barcelona Beer Festival. We are mostly talking about Browar Ninkasi , but specially about Browar Pinta , a brewery that has won some local drinkers' palate lately with their reproduction of the most varied styles.