6. Wroclawski Festiwal Dobrego Piwa

The day's arrived, and early today I fly to Wroclaw (Poland) to attend one of the most massive beer festivals in Europe: the Wroclawski Festiwal Dobrego Piwa, or Wroclaw Good Beer Festival. It's a great oportunity to learn about a beer scene that you seldom hear or read something about, not only about their beers but also about the general development of the industry.

As for beers, I've known Zywiec (specially their Porter) for quite a long time. Lately, some new Polish brews have appeared in our shops and bars, as well as on tap during the last edition of the Barcelona Beer Festival. We are mostly talking about Browar Ninkasi, but specially about Browar Pinta, a brewery that has won some local drinkers' palate lately with their reproduction of the most varied styles.

To say the truth, I know very few things about the beer scene in Poland. And I know some mostly because I have been talking about it with Tomasz Kopyra, since I met him in Dublin last year. The Festival offers an interesting range of international brews, but I'll stick to the local product so that I can get a minimum personal impression of the stuff that is being produced by Polish brewers. Both the modern and the older ones.

It will also be a pleasure to meet back with some fellow beer bloggers, as well as getting to know some others. The organisation team of the Festiwal has prepared some activities for us: an initial pub crawl, visits to different breweries, live-blogging sessions and a debate. I'm sure it'll be fun.

As a teaser, this week I received a little package from the organisers with Polish beer samples. I didn't know any of them. There was also a beautiful 50cl glass jar: one of the three different vessels on offer to drink beer at the festival. The remaining two are a chalice and a tulip: convenient enough for picky visitors. Once back from Poland I will have time to calmly try these three beers. Maybe even having met the people behind their producing.

From here I'd like to thank the organisation of the Festival for their invitation to attend this sixth edition of the WFDP. It will surely be a good personal and beery experience. I will of course write about it here in the blog during the following weeks. For more immediate details, I'll do my best to post some content on my Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Salut i birra!


  1. Thanks for your comment, Terry. I really enjoyed it, I've just began my series of posts on the trip :-). I visited a brewpub near the Old Town Hall called Spiz, is it the same one? Cheers!


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