Curated reads #1

I have wanted to start a series like this for years, but had never found the formula that pleased my expectations. After chewing on it for a long time, one finally realises that making things simple is often more effective, and that in any case nothing has to be rigid or immutable.

Hence today I launch this section, in which I intend to share a small selection of articles related to beer that, in one way or another, have caught my attention during the last weeks. Being aware that I will not always comply, the frequency of publication will -hopefully- be monthly.

So without further delay, let's explore four different links from this month of April 2019, which comes to an end today.
  • Can Beer Jesus Make a Stone So Heavy Even He Can't Lift It? Many have dared to comment on the sale of Stone Berlin to Brewdog, which undoubtedly was one of the most relevant pieces of news of the past weeks. But only Joe Stange, writing for Good Beer Hunting, has combined a chronicle of the facts with the direct testimony of Greg Koch himself, founder of Stone.
  • What’s the point in hopping the shit out of a beer if you’ve lagered it for 10 weeks? In a brilliant reflection made from a British perspective, Will Hawkes revolves around the meaning of craft beer while wondering -among other things- about the incentive to drink local beers that taste exactly the same at two different points in the world.
  • AB InBev’s new 1840 London Porter and the hornbeam question. New post at Zythophile that has it all: a powerful introduction, a link to an interesting video from Goose Island and Ron Pattinson about the recreation of a Porter recipe from 1840 -mandatory watching- and Martyn Cornell's picky attention to detail, which I always enjoy.
  • Cervezas pasteleras o 'Pastry Beers'. After the Spanish Homebrewing Association's annual congress, with Randy Mosher as guest, Manuel Jiménez shares an interesting dissection of Pastry Beer in Cervezomicón, based on an article from BYO -by Josh Weikert-. Like Manuel, I am more of a classic drinker, but the text is truly interesting to understand parameters and techniques of the 'style'.
That's all for today, I hope you find the articles interesting. Happy reading!

Salut i birra!


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