
It feels good to hit the 'publish' button again after an uneventful period. Despite a remarkably active start this year, I suppose that I was finally caught up in the depression and standstill inherent in the sector given the current social and economic situation, as well as the burden associated with my own work and family commitments, which have also undergone notable changes in this fateful year 2020.

The thing is that despite the fact that my main job is pure dynamism and adaptation to constant change, I have a high sensitivity to routine changes, the effects of which I do not transfer to my professional field, but which do affect me personally in the organisation of my free time. In this sense, the huge change that COVID-19 has meant has been painful for me to process. But by resorting to self-observation I have finally been able to unblock body and mind to be able to concentrate on carrying out certain pending projects, such as the book that I am working on, and that I hope to be able to publish during 2021.

That is the reason why, although I might continue with my rhythm of occasional publication here on the blog, in the coming months I am officially going to allocate a good part of my efforts on doing the necessary field work, as well as in preparing a first draft for review.

I will remain connected to the world, as I have actually been all these months, through social media posts, my monthly beer column in Cuina magazine, or my recently released recurring collaboration with Bar & Beer magazine. I am also working on a new media publication opportunity that I am excited about, and which I hope to be able to close -and announce- soon.

For a variety of reasons, I have been putting off the intense work for years, but now I am fully focused on getting it done. I wanted to announce it, apologising for my general irregularity in every social network, but renewing my commitment to continue spreading the word about good beer and the local scene, now that it has been 10 years since I registered Birraire blog.

Salut i birra!


  1. Welcome back, Joan. It's good to hear from you and good to know that you'll be continuing with your writing and other projects.

    This year hasn't been easy for any of us, and it's been especially hard for the brewing industry, plus pub and bar scene that we all love. I am lucky to have been able to work right through the pandemic, and I'm grateful for this, and for the human contact mainly with work colleagues that has kept me going and kept me sane.

    I'm feeling a little burnt out at the moment, as I've been working flat out, so am looking forward to a break over the Christmas period, even though festivities and get togethers with friends are likely to be limited and homeward subdued.

    I'm sure, that come the spring , things will be looking a little different and we can look forward to returning to a semblance of reality.

    Good luck with your new and ongoing projects. Paul.


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