
Showing posts from September, 2017

A historical tick

Remember? There was a time in which the above selection was thrilling. Let's do an exercise. Let's say that we are going back 15 years in the calendar , in that time space in which Messenger was the ultimate tool to 'socialise' online, and in which the closest thing to today's smartphones were HP's iPAQs. You had tried something more than the typical Lagers thanks to Belgian and German imported beers, to be found in supermarkets and a few select bars run by genuine beer activists, as well as in pseudo-Irish pubs, some with more grace than others, who were in their peak of popularity. In this past context, think about what your response would have been to the following wording. “ List, in order of priority, those five beer experiences you want to have throughout your life ”

Madrid 2017 - Day 2 - Embajadores & Cortes

Link to the first  and second  map. Another good and productive day of work was preceded, again, by a more than interesting beery evening and night, visiting different bars of the city of Madrid. On this occasion, the route drawn contemplated six stops , from which one was dismissed at the very start. However, a glorious, unplanned bonus track would eventually make it to the list. “Some of the bars visited on this second night are called to lead a paradigm shift in Madrid”

Madrid 2017 - Day 1 - Universidad

Link to the map It was a hectic start of a day : by circumstances beyond my control, I lost the 7:04 AVE train from Lleida to Madrid. I had never lost it before, and at that moment it affected me symbolically. When I changed my ticket, it also affected me economically. But that first part of day was developed without further incidents, after a placid trip and a productive day of work. “ The protagonism of the scene has moved south of Glorieta de Bilbao, even beyond Universidad ” 

Madrid 2017 - Intro

I had been looking for the opportunity to return for a long time, and that moment came no more than the last few days before enjoying a three week vacation. With my women already having fun in the heat of summer, on the beach, the incentive to get back home at night was clearly smaller, so I set my professional agenda to spend four days and three nights in the capital of Spain . " It may look the same, but beerwise Madrid has changed forever "

The Shelf #2 - Brew

There comes a time in the life of a beer lover, in general shortly after discovering that beer is something more than what he had been taught, in which one feels an irremediable impulse to create . Suddenly, it seems that drinking and discovering the new flavours brought by great brewers from here and there is no longer enough, and there is a further step to take. That is how, more or less consciously, one enters the wonderful world of homebrewing. "The author accompanies the homebrewer along the process, as if he was beside him"


It is always pleasant to attend a beer festival in Barcelona, ​​especially if you can relax since you are not the organiser. After a long period of promotion, this past weekend came the Mash Craft Beer Festival , an event with a remarkably different format from those that until now we have seen here. Its peculiarity: to be organised by four distinct brewers, two locals - Edge Brewing and Garage - and two from abroad - Brewski and What's Brewing -; the installation was the organisers' responsibility, limiting the offer to two taps for each participating brewery; and, very relevant, it was the first fair - not festival - * to have a greater percentage of international companies. "We must be grateful to the organisation for being able to attract so much beer talent to our city"

August 27 -2017-

I had not written this post for two years . I suppose it is a faithful reflection of the personal and professional bustle of all this time, translated in a period of little activity in the blog. But 2017 is for me a transitional year that is allowing me to regain strength and sensations. The numbers do not deceive: at this time of year, I have written three times more entries than in the whole of last year.